Wednesday, October 15, 2008

MHF Elections - KLHA throws in their nominations. as the Agenda for hockey is forgotten

Malaysian hockey is at its lowest ebb and the future agenda of hockey is not being debated. The election fever for positions in MHF is peaking as names are being thrown around to seek support and endorsement. One such name is the Tengku Mahkota(TM) of Pahang, linking him to the post of President. Anyway there are already 2 persons who have announced their intentions for the same post and they are the incumbent President and Deputy President.

The rumours that have emerged seem to indicate that the affiliates want to see the current top 2 incumbents replaced. There is definitely a clarion call to ensure that the TM comes into MHF. Can he be the "saviour" of Malaysian hockey? People are not sure but one thing is certain and that he would do a better job than the current incumbent top 2. Something I personally agree and to be fair the Pahang Royalty had, and is, still taking good care of the sportsmen and the officials. What I hear of the TM, is that this is also very much his style and this would do a lot of good for hockey.

The affiliates are busy putting together a line-up in the hope that the TM becomes the President. Indeed the barter trading is on and from what i here there is a sizable number of affiliates who have got together. The affiliates want to see a change and they have admitted that they may not have been vocal on a number of issues save for 1 or 2 affiliates. They had their reasons and they want to show it now with the election. Therefore the presences of TM can in many ways see the manifestation of change.

In a way a few have also gone their own way to participate in the change.. KLHA noted for its own league and development programme have nominated 2 personalities for certain key positions in MHF. They too want to participate in the euphoria of the possibility of TM's involvement.

Proposed for Deputy President is a personality who had served in KLHA as Vice President and has just retired as a CEO of an Oil and Gas company. Do not get it wrong, he is still young! He is very passionate of hockey and had been Manager for a number of years of his corporate club team in the National League. It has been said that he is the "architect" of the recent Vision document of MHF.

The other nomination is for the post of General Secretary and the candidate is no stranger to hockey and to sports. A renowned journalist who has been in the forefront of sporting news for years. I had mentioned him in some of my other articles in the blog and without doubt a very capable person. His love for hockey is second to none (I hope his wife and children would not be upset) and he is able to find the balance to manage his career and his voluntary work on development of hockey with kids.

Both these candidates would become great assets to Malaysian hockey. However i have a concern and that is whether KLHA in nominating them have entered into any discussion with the other affiliates to solicit the necessary support. As it remains there is already a confusion as to how their names appeared and who is supporting them other then KLHA. Various big names have been associated to these candidates and one of them is the TM himself. These are unconfirmed stories but the fact that the candidates are prepared to test their popularity means they have done their groundwork. I hope!

If the various forces do not "gel" then the idea of wanting to replace the top 2 incumbents maybe a futile exercise. More so if the TM wants to helm MHF then he must have a capable working team and also an Agenda for hockey. If it is purely taking a position or replacing the incumbents without an Agenda, Malaysian hockey would be no better. Strangely, I think the Agenda for hockey is the missing ingredient as jostling for position becomes the preoccupation. Lets not waste another 2 years and permit Malaysia's ranking to further slip.

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