Saturday, July 4, 2009

"No listeners in MHF" - one of the reasons for the collapse of the MOU.

Hockey Asia with a blog site: provides an up-todate hockey scenario of Asian hockey. Indeed its presence in the blogosphere helps to fill a vacuum that Asian Hockey Federation (AHF) seems to have completely forgotten or overlooked or they just do not want to undertake to provide such services.

It is strange how the Asians having outsource information technology services all over the world and yet AHF seem to be caught in a time warp that they have omitted to set-up their own site. This too goes with MHF, who has just lately got into the act. Unfortunately, sources indicate the site is still under construction.

This is a very strange phenomenon and it is difficult to comprehend why AHF is extremely slow to join the cyber world. This is where Hockey Asia must be commended as their Dutch husband and wife team had the courage to invest into Asian hockey. Mind you in the 6 months they refer to as "adventure", Hockey Asia has made great strides. I am one of those who visit their site regularly.

Indeed I was fascinated plus supportive that they entered into a MOU with MHF. I thought with the Dutch connection, greater technology awareness would creep into MHF and a paradigm shift in the thinking process among its officials would materialise. To do that the MHF officials must listen and participate. Sometimes this is where we fail exspecially when we do not have the expertise.

In fact I am not surprised, as this aspect of not listening is the hallmark of MHF. Therefore Hockey Asia terminating the MOU ( refer to would probably be seen as a normal event in MHF. This is why they are filled with enough issues that is "weighing down" MHF and ultimately affecting the performance of the various national teams.

It is a pity that Hockey Asia could not achieve what they set out to do. I hope they would strive and make sure that there are other parties with who they can get into joint venture, so as there is this symbiotic process that Asian hockey can benefit from.

My best wishes to the Dutch couple and thank you for continuing to provide information on Asian hockey.

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